At this moment, I would just have to resort to a very old and slow mini netbook till I can afford to get another laptop. I know, it's going to be a very difficult tasks to maintain my daily cyber work without my efficient laptop. Maybe, if I keep praying, some awesome laptop company would sponsor me an amazing laptop for my heavy cyber job! I'm really praying hard and perhaps miracle will happened.
I will try to continue update and share my work online using my mini netbook and hope you all would not mind if there are some issues on timing and late updates. Sorry about not having an update shot on Hiro for this week. Hiro's update will be back next week.
Don't forget that I'm having a Dusty Attic giveaway now. Go and try your luck to win some of the gorgeous Dusty Attic chippies!!!
Scrapbooking Pros Reveals their tricks of the trade. Check it out here!
Lo siento es una pena que no tengas ordenador, esperemos un patrocinador que se apiade de ti y te envie uno
Besos desde espaƱa
Oh, that's such a drag. Just do what you can, Irene, everyone will understand!
So sorry to hear this
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