Take a look at the shot of Hiro above. What do you think he is doing and what he is thinking at that moment? It is definitely a shot worth taking sometime to read and interpret. Here's my interpretation. "Go away! Don't scare away the little bugs that I'm trying to find!"..LOL! If you have an interpretation on the above picture, feel free to share it with me on the comment section below.

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Busy busy busy busy.. cant you see that im BUSY!? LOL.. gorgeous picture!
"Somebody's been trotting through my yard..." LOL, ms.cheryl
She's got the camera. This is my day off!
Oh dear, here she comes again with that camera - and there is nowhere for me to hide.... maybe if I just pretend I am not here she will go away.....
He looks like he's doing something naughty an checking to see if anyone can see!
Uh Oh, what did I do now, LOL...
Uh oh, she caught me!! How do I get out of this, um... "I didn't do anything... it was the dog next door... I am a good dog, I am a good dog, I am a good dog" !!
"I wasn't ready yet. Let me at least pose next time!" LOL. I have a shiba inu so he looks similar to Hiro in the Husky looks but he's tan colored. Dogs are such fun/frustrations to have. I love reading all your blogs about Hiro.
Irene, para mim o olhar deste cão diz que ele é guardião do osso que ali ele escondeu...e que ninguém deve se atrever a chegar perto...é o que este olhar me diz!
He has the same look my little 'Terhuagle' gets when she's not wanting me to bother her with whatever she's doing! LOL. He's thinking 'go away with that camera Lady'. At least that's what my DH says Pandora is saying to me when she has that look!
I think Hiro is tracking! "sniff sniff snuffle ... I know there was a rabbit/squirrel/animal here ... snuffle sniff sniff"
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