
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A Snowflake

This is the layout that I'll be sharing at The Crop Spot this week. It's a layout that features the gorgeous Midnight Frost line by Bo Bunny. There are some easy and simple techniques that I've incorporated in the tutorial on this layout. Hope you all check it out and try it on your projects too! Enjoy!

Lastly, a very Happy Birthday to me today!!


  1. Love the quote. Of course, i love butterflies. Right now, not enjoying the snowflakes too much. Had a good 20 inches of snowflakes this last weekend in MN. Hope you have a Wonderful Birthday!

  2. Happy Birthday Irene!! Have a fabulous day!
    Hugs, Natasha

  3. SO beautiful! I love the cut out that you built your layout on. Thank you for sharing this!

  4. Happy Birthday Irene! Love this gorgeous layout and your work! Would love to see you working with Dove of the East papers, charms and ribbons, let's get in touch.
    Happy Holidays! All the best, Doveen (Dove of the East)

  5. Happy Birthday Irene, not sure if my comment went through before so I'll say it again! I love your work! I just saw pix from your Russia trip! You need some Dove of the East Russia Journey and Russia Journey Linen& Lace papers, ribbons, charms, rubons and stickers! Let's get in touch!

    All the best,

    Doveen (Dove of the East)

  6. This is just so amazing!! love the whole concept and you and your inking are just to creative!!
