
Sunday, September 6, 2009

It's Hiro's update again!

I just love how this shot turn out! He look so innocent even though he had just destroyed one of my brand new quilt! Now that quilt cover is his favourite place to sleep on.

Hiro is still shedding now. Normally how long does your dog shed? It has been two weeks already. I were told once that Huskies shed either once or twice a year and it might take up to a month. Share your dog shedding story with me.


  1. Hiro is just a beautiful little dog!!!

  2. Such a cutie! I don't know anything about shedding, but hope it doesn't last to long. Sorry about your quilt.

  3. He is too cute!! Glad you don't have a German Shepard, they shed (at least here in the tropics) all the time, a lot!! But I guess it various from dog to dog! Hugs Nilla

  4. He is adorable and growing really quickly. Thanks for sharing his journey through life with us :)


  5. Oh my god what a sweet puppy!!! I think I have to post a photo of my puppy on my blog to! Mine is a little different from yours though... It´s a Pug! :)
    //Annica H

  6. Just found your blog and I have to say that Hiro must be the most beautiful puppy in the world, he is SOOOO cute.


  7. Wish I could help you out on the shedding. I own a short hair, and our cattle dog gets groomed, (gets a hair cut every 2 weeks. So I don't get shedding.

  8. Wish I could help you out on the shedding. I own a short hair, and our cattle dog gets groomed, (gets a hair cut every 2 weeks. So I don't get shedding.

  9. Hiro is a cutie! I have a Jack Russell Terrier and he sheds every day!!! In fact the other day I was petting him and was covered with dog hair... We are trying to finish the house with hardwood flooring cause it was too much to vacuum all the time. Hope you get a break from the hair soon

  10. What a cutie! I have somethng for you at my blog if you'd like to check it out.

    Hugs, Bona

  11. he is a cutie! Can't help you with the shedding question. I have goldens and they seem to shed 24/7

  12. absolutely adorable!

    so, we have a toy poodle. he doesnt shed. :P

  13. That's a really beautiful dog! I love huskies for their intriguing blue eyes :-)
    But the sad true is that long-haired dogs shed all the time actually, with intesive hair dropping in srping and autumn. Those intensive periods last up to a month - but it's still the best idea just to get rid of carpets if you let the dog in...

  14. he is STUNNING!!!! omg....what a gorgeous and fabulously perfect dog!! beautiful!!!

    =) enjoy him!!! (even when he eats your quilts) ;)

  15. I also have a husky. Demon is 3 years old and it seem like he is sheeding all the time. Brush Hiro often ant it shoud decrease the amount of fur on your floors. We also give Demon a can of sardines a week and that works as well if we don't have time to brush him. Hope this works.


  16. As a husky owner, I hate to stand in line with the others that have told you already that Hiro is going to shed year round and have heavier periods with the key changes in weather. From warm to cool, in Canada that is more distinct but if there is a warm period in the midst of our winter they will shed heavier then as well.

    What I can tell you is that these little bundles of love are going to challenge you at every turn so get him into obedience classes soon. They are never to young to learn manners and boundaries.
