
Friday, July 24, 2009

July Stamps Giveaway!

It's time again for another stamp giveaway!! This time I'm giving away the "Freedom" stamp set above to one lucky winner. I've designed this stamp set exclusively for QKD's June Get Inked! Kit.

These stamps would be great for any projects. In order for you to enter for a chance to win this stamp set, post a comment here and tell me what is your ultimate summer vacation?

I'll be announcing the winner on 31st July. The winner will have to create at least a project with this stamp set and it'll be featured here on my blog.

Good Luck everyone!


  1. oooh! what a great stamp set!! i love the bird with the little crown!! soooo cute! i would have to say my ultimate summer vacation would have to be a trip to kauai. it's the most beautiful and laid back island and has everything from deserty type landscapes, beautiful beaches, and tropical rainforrests and mountains. i went with my dad years ago and have always wanted to go back so my hubby could enjoy it.

    marla tomlinson

  2. oh, I love your designs. the last one with your children's image is so sweet. The ultimate summer vacation would have to be at a house by the beach with beach service, maid service, cook, grandparents for babysitting, Brazilian food, and at least 2 weeks of doing absolutely nothing, just laying around, reading, sleeping, eating and enjoying the breeze and the sunshine. :) One day soon I hope. :)

  3. Wonderful set! Love the border. My perfect vacation would be a scrapping CRUISE!

  4. gorgeous new set!! My ultimate vacation? I would love to go to an oceanfront scrappin' retreat.

  5. gorgeous new set!! My ultimate vacation? I would love to go to an oceanfront scrappin' retreat.

  6. love those stamps...yummy!
    My ultimate summer vaction would be going back to Paris. We were there ten years ago for our honeymoon and I'm dying to return!

  7. LOvely stamps!!! My ultimate vacation would be Mediterranean cruise with my family.


  8. Waouhhhhhhhh these stamps are so cute. I love the bird with the crown. My ultimate summer vacation will be somewhere but with my husband. Each summer we are alone we my two daughters and they miss a lot her father who is working hard on summer ... So nevermind for the place We'll be happy together ... La Biz La Delf

  9. Hi Irene,

    Firstly, love the new Stamps!!!

    Secondly, a Summer Holiday perfect for me and my family would be going to our favorite camping spot. It's a place called Buffelspoort (with is Afrikaans for Buffalo Valley). Although there are no buffalo there is enough entertainment for kids, especially over the December holidays. Remember here in South Africa we have our Summers from about October to late March. I love it because it is in the mountains and in the Bush. There are heated swimming pools both indoors and outdoors, Mini golf courses and trampolines. A spa and Jacuzzi baths set privately in little mountain coves.Accomodation to suite all but we love staying in the Tent Town.The tent homes have a little bathroom and kitchen area...Just perfect for all the comforts needed in a Bushveld setting without feeling like lyou could have just stayed home... At night we gather around the fire and have a "braai" (Barbecue). and by the second or third day the kids made friends and the parents start interacting like they have known each other since school themselves. There is a carnival atmosphere and the daddies and mommies compete hard for the title of the games around the pools, like Mr Biggest Belly and Mrs. Munchies... At night the stars are out in there thousands and the sound of game in the distance, promises a Safari on an open Jeep.
    That would be my ultimate holiday, the typical AFRICAN Summers Holiday!!!

  10. Great stamp set :O)
    Anywhere that doesn't include the stress of everyday life.
    Chilling out with my beautiful 4 year old son Noah and partner Darren xx

  11. my ultimate vacation would be able to meet my 3 children and 4 grandchildren for a week vacation with my husband and me.
    thanks for your blog
    Nanou fron France

  12. Really pretty! I love hummingbirds & those borders are lovely :)

  13. Hello!! Je tente ma chance pour pouvoir gagner ce magnifique set de tampons et je serais fière d'en faire une réa avec!!
    Gros bisous et merci pour toujours nous enchanter de tes réalisations!
    Biz Cocoloko07

  14. the stamp set is gorgeous - you're so talented!!!
    as far as vacation... - Italy definitely, with my husband of course :)

  15. Désolée! Dans mon commentaire précédent j'ai oublié de te dire que, mon meilleur été serait d'être en Provence, dans mon sud de la France autour d'une piscine avec des amis et un bon cocktail berçée au chant des grillons!
    Biz Cocoloko07

  16. Just love your stamps, great as always! My ultimate vacation will be here in Sweden, with my family.
    The summer is really great here and the light nights incredibble.
    Hugs! Annika

  17. My ultimate summer vacation is spending three months on the island of Crete, snorkeling everyday, buying fresh produce at the local market and getting a fantastic Greek suntain.

  18. Wow, I love the design of your stamp. I always think that they are unique, like no other ones.
    My ultimate holidays would be a come back to malaysia. I just hope to have enough money to go there next year...

  19. Wow Irene, this set is so beautiful!!!!I love it!!!
    My ultimate summer vacation?????
    Would be with my granddaughter Shir, anywhere!!, She lives so far.......
    Hugs and kisses!!!

  20. I looove those stamps, thanks for the chance to win :)! My summer vacation would have to be at a beach somewhere. I would like to stay at a beautiful cottage style Bed-and-Breakfast with lovely flowers and rose gardens to enjoy :). ~xo Jess

  21. Wow Irene!!!
    Fantastic stamps set. Thank you for the chance to win.
    In the summer I like to go to the sea. Next week I go to Ukraine to the daddy. I it did not see three years. I worry very much....
    Thanks for your blog, for inspiration .....

  22. This is one of my favorite stamp sets you designed! My family would love to cruise the islands of Greece if we ever get the chance. The ultimate we have been lucky enough to do is cruising down the Nile in Egypt. The tranquility of the land and the lovely sounds of the chants from the minarets calling people to prayer is hypnotizing.

  23. What a gorgeous stamp set!

    My ultimate summer vacation would be doing as much of 'nothing' as possible. Life is too busy most of the year and I really treasure those 'lazy' summer days with no agenda to stick to. An awesome day would be spent laying in the sun reading a book, playing with our new puppy and of course some water fun thrown in for good measure.

  24. Summer vacation should be spent on a great classic beach - like Cape Cod or the Hamptons. A chance to cool off from the TX heat, but still stay out in the sun.

  25. First of all, I really think this is my favorite stamps design from you, so pick me!!! Hehehe....anyway, my favorite summer vacation would be going on a cruise..but haven't had a summer vacation in so many years, can't even remember anymore...hehehe...

  26. Love the beautiful stamp set. My dream vacation would be to go to Hawaii. Charlene =^..^=

  27. They are BEAUTIFUL!!
    My ultiomate summer vacation would be one of those spontaneous car trips DH and I have been planning for so long. Just hopping into the car and driving though Europe - ending up whereever we feel like, every day... That'd be FREEDOM for sure!

  28. My ultimate summer vacation would be finally getting to take a honeymoon with my husband to tour Ireland like we have both wanted.

  29. My ultimate summer vacation is either a nice beach (the nearest sea beach, as opposed to a lake beach, is 12 hours away) or Europe. I would so love to see Bruges, Paris, London, Toscana, Corsica, Spain!!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  30. what an swesome looking set. My ultimate summer vacation would be to go somewhere where we can enjoy the hot weather in the water. To relax and play and not have to do the normal rountine things. It been a long time since my family did a nice long vacation away from it. all.

  31. My ultimate vacation would be able to go to Italy or Greece!

  32. The ultimate vacation would be on a great island with my husband and a "staff" we only saw when we needed something! LOL I need this stamp set. My daughter did a piece from Swan Lake for her ballet recital. We have great pictures of her in costume by a metal gate - these stamps are perfect for those scrapbook pages.

  33. The ultimate vacation would be on a great island with my husband and a "staff" we only saw when we needed something! LOL I need this stamp set. My daughter did a piece from Swan Lake for her ballet recital. We have great pictures of her in costume by a metal gate - these stamps are perfect for those scrapbook pages.

  34. Beautiful stamp set. I would love to tour Europe...Florence, Athens and so many more capitals. A Medieterranean cruise would work for me.

  35. I love the beach for summer vacation time, but you said your ULTIMATE vacation, so I'd have to say Paris! I went last year in April and hit the Paris FLEA MARKET! OH< MY< GOSH!! That's all I can say! Love your stamps, I could create something beautiful with them, so I'll keep my fingers crossed to win! Suzie

  36. love this stamps!
    my ultimate summer vacation would be just me and my boyfriend spending one week in Porto Seguro.

  37. Those are some great loooking stamps......
    How have you been....busy as usual I see with all of your beautiful work...

  38. I love these pretty! My favorite vacation was this past spring....we went away to the mountains with our kids and there friends.....what a blast I had....5 teenagers and my husband....we just hung out and played games then had a bonfire at night and made fun!

  39. Frenchpossum from AUSTRALIA..
    What Beautiful stamps...I could think of many great ways to use these on my cards and layouts
    hope I win.>!!! Blessings to you..Love your very beautiful work..its a delight to see.
    may god bless you to overflowing..Jennifer..Renault....

  40. I love the stamp set Irene.I have been watching the Tour de France everyday for the past 3 weeks and I think that covering the tour route through France (after the Tour went through) would be the ultimate vacation. They travel through the most beautiful country side.

  41. my ultimate summer vacation, is the last one spent with my father...about two years ago...when he was still alive...and no we did not take the train, we did not was no cruise either...
    it was riding together. He was very ill then, and battling cancer. But I say it was the ultimate vacation, because it was the most precious of moments when it was just me and him. It was two souls...finding a place in this world... longing for freedom...from our inner fears...that was what I remember most.

  42. My ultimate summer vacation is actually just staying at home! With a hectic life throughout the year with work, school, kids' activities etc. I just love spending a few weeks at home with my family during summer. Nothing planned, no alarm in the morning, just taking it day by day, doing things together that we enjoy as a family!

  43. Hi!
    Nice page, art works and stamps. The ultimate summer vacation for me (living in a cold country lika Sweden) would be 4 weeks in a warm country with islands where I could rest with no telephones, hardly no internet and where I would be able to REST from the city noice and only hear the waves at night instead of drunk people trying to find the bus stop....
    La Vikinga

  44. What a gorgeous stampset! That little bird is just adorable!

    Its my birtday today, *hint hint* , and this would be just the perfect present!

    hugs, Daniela/Neliz

  45. I would love to create projects with your July stamp set - my mind is reeling with the possiblities.

    My ultimate summer vaction - loading up a camper and touring around the provinces of Canada. Exploring all the little nooks and crannies that this fabulous country has to offer and are seldom heard or seen.

    Don't get me wrong would love to travel the world too but I think one should know their own country first.

  46. My ultimate summer vacation? I am torn between going to Sweden (my husband would LOVE to be there for some concerts) and Chicago (for the Cornerstone Music festival).. either one would be fine with me, as we would be going somewhere!! And of course, there would be lots of stamp stuff that I'd love to get my hands on that I can't find in rural Canada.

    Karen G (BC)

  47. Awesome stamps!

    Gee, this is a tough question. I guess right now my mind has been on Prince Edward Island, Canada's smallest province where I once lived. I'm missing it so much I won't even head out there because I'm afraid of breaking down and won't want to come home. On the other hand, my heart is on PEI so if the opportunity arose, I'd be there next week!

  48. Wow!!! Love this awesome stamp set.

    My Ultimate holiday? That would be bringing my whole family to a holiday, to anywhwere will be good. Destination is not so important as my dad has never step out of Malaysia, except to Singapore where we are staying now and working in. My mom always wish to have a chance to travel together with my dad, and I guess it would be great if I can convince my dad to travel!

  49. My ultimate vacation would be to hike the entire Appalachian Trail...I hear you need about 5 months to do that! I think it would be terribly challenging but also very cleansing and spiritual to be one with nature. LOVE your stamps. As usual, they are so unique, light, and inspiring!

  50. Frenchpossum said..
    My ultimate vacation would be traveling around the country side in France in a campin car(Caravan)
    eating beautiful fresh food,the country side is so beautiful..My husband of 40 years is french from Normandie and we have visited the family over the years but to just be there on our own and seeing the country would be really great..
    I love your beautiful artwork. you are very talanted..May god bless you everyday..Thanking you for sharing your talent..Best wishes Jennifer.Renault

  51. I always enjoy looking at your projects. They inspire me. My ultimate summer vacation would be anywhere that I had family, good friends, good food and dont forget the alcohol.

  52. I love looking at your blog. Your work always inspires me. My ultimate summer vacation would be anywhere, where I had family, good friends, food and lets not forget the alcohol

  53. OMG!i love that set of stamps esp the gate!!!gorgeous kat!

    I would like to spend my summer vacation in the's a place that i've been dreaming to go, a place that i've been peeking to see, a place that i've been longing to put my foot to. I hope with the strife that i have put onto lately, I would have the chance to go there this year,even if it'll take forever, i would never give up *wishful thinking*

    But ofcourse i would like to go there with someone who's very fun & loveable! :D my boo / my dear friends :D Oooo goodluck to whoever wins that! it's a precious one!Your work never fails to amaze me...eeeppsss all so gorgeous! keep it up yeah!

    Renoa from Brunei!

  54. Easy answer for me...a scrapbooking cruise to some island paradise (maybe near Maylasia so I could meet a very talented paper artist who lives there) :)

    Hugs & thanks for all the beauty you share with us.
