In my most recent layout, these are the steps I've taken to create a wallpaper layout.
1. First of all, choose your wallpapers and decide how you are going to place them. I've used a 12x12 card stock to glue them down using some multi-purpose glue. You can also use wallpaper paste. Make sure that all the surface are flatten down and use some heavy weight things to put on top of it for sometime, to make sure that it is glued down properly and makes the surface flat.
2. Make holes on the paper and then cut strips outwards to give it a teared open look. This will be the frames for my photographs later. To make it more realistic, tear part of the strips off.
3. I wanted to create a burned open frame for this layout. Therefore, I've used a joss stick to burn part of the strips to give it a more realistic look. You can burn on a lot of details using joss stick. I've even burn some holes on the strips. However, you must use a wet wipe to wipe on it so as to remove any black debris on the page.
4. Inked your strips for more distressed look. Used some mini brads, staples or even stitching to attach the edge strips on the page.
5. Finished creating the whole of your design on the page.
6. Paste your photographs on another piece of 12x12 card stock which will be the backing of your page. I've used the steel ruler technique to distress the photographs in my layout. (Refer "Using Steel Ruler on Photographs" in tips and tricks section)
7. Lastly, attached the two pieces of card stock together.
Try using wallpapers in your next layout as the textures are so rich and beautiful. To see my finished layout, you can refer to "Deep Within" in my family gallery.
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