Saturday, June 19, 2010

Worrying Week!

This week has been a worrying week for us. Remember this picture that I've shared about two weeks ago? We did not noticed that until this last few days. We always thought that it was just a reflection of light or something, but it seems to be in his eye. Try to look at his left eye. There is a small white dot in it. We're still unsure what it is but we will be bringing him to the vet tomorrow. We're just praying that it's nothing serious but we've asked around and it seems that this might be a very serious issue. Let us all pray for him that it could be cured or it's nothing permanent for him. I'll post an update on his situation once we get a confirmed result from the vet on this. Thanks to all of you that cared for Hiro!


Vicki said...

Oh, I am sending hugs and good wishes that it is nothing serious! He is part of the family!

Carmen said...

Oh yes, I see it! Oh dear, hope it all turns out alright!!

Brett said...

I pray it's not a serious issue.

Unknown said...

Oh my! I know how stressful it can be when our beloved pet gets sick! Here is hoping that it isn't a big deal!

Lynnes old blog said...

Awww, I do hope Hiro is OK - don't forget to let us know how you got on at the vets.

mininessie said...

hope all be ok with him Irene!

Lori said...

I know exactly how you feel. Our pup had a "white" problem in her eye. The vet treated it for infection and swelling, he felt she had injured it. After healing, it was still very white, cloudy. He said it was a cataract. She can't see as well on that side, but is doing just fine. Praying it is the same for your pup, and not serious.

Iris said...

OMG, I hope it is not a really serious problem ! He´s such a cute boy ! Isn´t there a possibility to go to a vet on sunday in case of emergency ?


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